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Olare Mara Kempinski

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Olare Mara Kempinski Masai Mara

Explore the African wilderness from Olare Mara Kempinski Masai Mara 5-star luxury tented camp in Masai Mara. Nestled in its own private conservancy, the camp promises luxury whilst delivering a classic under-canvas safari experience with unrivalled close-ups of Kenyan wildlife.
About Olare Mara Safari Camp

Olare Mara Kempinski Safari Camp has been styled to offer the ultimate in luxury whilst staying true to the traditions of the classic safari.

The ultimate in under-canvas luxury

Standing central to the private wilderness of the Olare Motorogi Conservancy, and enjoying panoramic views across the rolling savannah, the Olare Mara Kempinski Safari Camp has been styled to offer the ultimate in luxury whilst staying true to the traditions of the classic safari.

Cleverly camouflaged so as to blend into its wilderness background, the camp features just twelve generously proportioned tents. Some overlook the hippo pools of the Ntiakitiak River, others enjoy long views over the savannah. Each elegantly appointed tent has its own spacious bedroom, bathroom, dressing room, lounge and viewing deck. And, while promising every luxury, each tent delivers the authentic feel of an under-canvas safari experience – complete with the daily chattering of the monkeys and the nightly whooping of the hyenas … and the distant coughing of our resident lion prides.

An inspired fusion of khaki-canvas, mellow timber, and Masai inspired décor, our central lounge and dining room promises panoramic views in the daytime and a welcoming log fire in the evening. On one side it opens on to a timbered deck with a water feature inspired by the Ntiakitiak River, on the other side is a sun deck and a timbered walkway that leads down into a shaded forest glade. Here you’ll find our intimate safari bar; also the woodland clearing in which we light our nightly campfire. Above the lounge is a smaller private library lounge with an antique viewing telescope, and immediately adjacent there’s a charming safari boutique.
Our amenities:

  • WiFi (all the tents, guest lounge, restaurant, bar and pool area)
  • Mobile phone reception (limited according to weather conditions)
  • Swimming pool and sundeck
  • In-tent massage facilities
  • Professional safari guides
  • A fleet of safari vehicles
  • Day and night game drives
  • Safari ‘sundowners’
  • Bush breakfasts, lunches and dinners
  • Cultural visits
  • Balloon safaris
  • Guided walks
  • Ornithological tours
About your package

Each exclusively tailored Kempinski safari package includes the following details. 

Wilderness conservation is at the heart of everything we do

  • Full board accommodation (early morning tea, breakfast, lunch (or picnic safari lunch), afternoon tea and dinner. We are pleased to offer you sommelier’s selection of wine and spirits, beers, juices and water complimentary from 11  – 23.00 . Outside of these hours, consumption will be added directly to your bill.
  • Daily evening sundowner cocktail in the wilderness. Click here for further details
  • Two game drives daily (morning, afternoon, evening or night). Click here for further details
  • Return airstrip transfers
  • Your choice of additional experiences – find out more from our reservations team: –

The Olare Motorogi Conservancy has a higher density of lions (around 90) than any other area within the greater Mara ecosystem. 

The Home of the Big Cats

The answer as to why this should be lies in the name, Olare Motorogi, which in Maa, the language of the Maasai, means ‘the place of salted earth’. Unusually high in nutrients, this rich brown earth produces an exceptionally lush type of grass, which attracts an unrivalled density of herbivores. And, in the wake of the herbivores, come the predators – the lions, cheetahs, leopards and hyena. The grass also grows into dense thickets along the riverbanks, thus providing ideal cover for hunting lions. Finally, such is the level of security provided by the Conservancy that the lions have come to regard Olare as a place of sanctuary in which they can enjoy optimum health and safety

The annual migration of Wildebeest

It’s known as the ‘Greatest Wildlife Show on Earth’ by some; and as the ‘Seventh Natural Wonder of the World’ by other

The Home of the Big Cats

The Seventh Natural Wonder of the World

But whatever you call it – the annual migration of the wildebeest is one of the most awe-inspiring, dramatic and tragi-comic sights you will ever see.

Sometime, between the end of July and the mid- to end-of November, over one-and-a-half million wildebeest accompanied by half again as many zebras and gazelles, will begin their migrations from the short-grass plains of the Serengeti to the fresh green pastures of the Masai Mara and its conservancies. And in so doing, they create one of nature’s grandest spectacle

Moving in groups of up to 20,000 at a time, the great blue-black river of galloping wildebeest thunder across the plateau, drawn by the scent of fresh grass. Arriving at the steep banks of the Mara they hurl themselves frantically into its churning waters, and many fall prey to the open jaws of the waiting crocodiles.

Towards the end of October, as the Serengeti beckons, the herds begin crossing back into Tanzania. The actual timing of the migration, however, is dictated by the weather and does not always run to schedule.

The Loita Migration
As well as witnessing every stage of the Great Migration, which is a constantly revolving theatre of birth, life and death that takes place throughout the year, the Olare Motorogi Conservancy hosts its own migration. The Loita Migration is a relatively modern phenomenon, and promises a much more intimate viewing experience than that of its massive cousin. The herds move (around January) from the Loita Plains, across the Mara, and into the Ol Kinyei Conservancy. The calving takes place there during February and March. Then the wildebeest gather together, and career across the Olare Motorogi Conservancy, creating great braids of blue-black as they gallop back into the Masai Mara National Reserve again.

Rooms & Suites

Featuring 12 luxurious tents and suites Olare Mara Kempinski delivers the ultimate fusion of untamed wilderness and sophisticated elegance.

Enjoy spectacular views of the Maasai Mara plains from your opulent safari tent which has been styled to echo the elegance of a traditional Edwardian hunting safari tent. Each tent provides 80 m² (861 ft²) of space and offers a generously arranged seating area, a King size  bed and a wrap-around deck veranda. While promising every luxury, each tent delivers the authentic feel of an under -canvas safari experience.

Honeymoon Suite

Enjoy panoramic views of the golden savannah plains from this secluded retreat featuring a four-poster King bed, complemented by attentive, warm service. Sun bath by the private plunge pool, or relax in the spacious lounge designed to pamper you. The luxury tent spreads over 100 m² / 1076 ft² exuding opulence and comfort.

Safari Activities at Olare Mara Kempinski

Relaxed and rejuvenated is what one feels like after a visit to Olare Mara Kempinski Masai Mara
  1. Day Game Drives
  2. Swimming Pool
  3. Massage Treatments
  4. Safari at Olare Mara

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